Growers Mineral is pleased to present seminars for farmers interested in a lower input style of agriculture.

This seminar is headed by Jim Halbeisen, Director of Research at Growers Mineral, Corp., who is a graduate of South Dakota State University with a B.S. in soil science and an M.S. in agronomy. Jim was born and raised on a crop and livestock farm in Fremont, OH. His farm has been on the Growers Program since 1955.

Growers Mineral brings to this seminar over 65 years of on-farm experience. Growers Mineral has practical documented research that shows a great understanding and implementation of methods suited for all farmers who rely on soil productivity for a living.

Seminar topics include:

  • The principles of scientific agriculture that was developed by Dr. Victor A. Tiedjens, the founder of the Growers Mineral Solutions (GMS), and author of the authoritative text "More Food From Soil Science"

  • Soil quality

  • Environmental quality

  • Nutrient availability for plants and animals

  • Relationship between various scientific disciplines in agriculture

  • Various uses of GMS

Growers Mineral thinks this information is important to those of us in agriculture today and those who intend to be in agriculture for the predictable future. Growers Mineral looks forward to your participation in this seminar. Spouses and friends are welcome to join, as they too have a vital stake in your farm’s future.

Farm Meetings