Growers Mineral is more than just a Company…It’s Family

This year, we lost a true Growers family member in Dave McIver. Dave was a distinguished Growers Mineral district manager covering Minnesota, North, and South Dakota and a nationally renowned cattle breeder. He ran, along with his son Scott, the family farm and cattle operation in Farwell, Minnesota, and a thriving Growers Mineral Solution business. 

        Dave passed away this spring, at the age of 85, to complications from dementia. He was the first district manager I had the privilege to travel and spend time with two years ago. He was a true gentleman and more than willing to share some of his vast experience and knowledge. When Dave started to show signs of dementia, his son Scott took over most of Dave’s responsibilities on the farm and at Growers Mineral. Scott is now the District Manager in Western Minnesota and continues to run the family farm. 

          On March 9th, 2024, Dave passed away and moved on to a better place. The news of Dave’s passing was met with surprise and sadness. He had a positive impact on almost everyone in the Growers family. On the day of the funeral, a beautiful sunny day, Jim Halbeisen (Growers Director of Research), Dave Armstrong (Iowa District Manager), and I traveled to Glenwood, MN, to pay our respects. Before the services, we met with several other Growers Mineral District Managers and sales reps for lunch. Most of the discussions at lunch were about the great times had with Dave over the years, sharing old pictures and stories. But as usual, when you get Growers folks together, the talk always goes to farming. How was the weather in your area? How did your yield turn out? Bought a new planter that needs to be set up for the farrow, etc. I felt something very special was taking place. Little did I realize how special the day would be. 

           At the funeral services, I was amazed to see how many Growers Mineral managers and reps were in attendance, along with 20 or more of Dave’s Growers customers. The customers at the funeral were there because, at some point in their farming career, they were positively affected by Dave. I heard time and time again how Dave and Growers Mineral Solutions helped them work through farm issues, solved problems no one else could, improved their financial situation, and how much they enjoyed dealing with Dave. I then noticed, before the funeral started, how many customers and sales personnel were gathered in the corner with Jim Halbeisen. They discussed everything from soil conditions, calcium application rates, new ways to apply Growers, farm issues from dry weather, how other Growers farmers did, and their Grower's success stories, etc. Like a large family catching up. I know Dave was up there with a big smile on his face! The whole day felt like I was with my family. 

              Growers Mineral was founded in 1955 with the farmer in mind.  Now, it is a third-generation family-owned business with a network of 100+ sales personnel, 1,200+ customers, and a dozen or so dedicated and passionate employees. The network is not only an essential part of the business but also the family. We grieve together when we lose a family member. We share information, research, success stories, farm issues, new ideas to increase ROI, etc. We support each other when times are tough and celebrate together when times are good. Our Growers family network is truly something special and unique. Be safe and take care. 

This is an exert from the Summer Growers Solution (2024) written by Chris Kohls, Growers Sales Manager.

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Soil Microbiology Discussion 2010